New Study Permit Landscape: Understanding Attestation Letter Requirements

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  • New Study Permit Landscape: Understanding Attestation Letter Requirements
  • February 2, 2024
  • By Immigration Corner Team

New Study Permit Landscape: Understanding Attestation Letter Requirements

As of January 22, 2024, obtaining a study permit for most students in Canada now involves an additional step – the inclusion of an attestation letter from the province or territory where they plan to study. Here’s a breakdown of key points to help you navigate these recent changes:


1. Why the Attestation Letter?

The attestation letter is now a crucial component of your study permit application.

It demonstrates acknowledgment and support from the province or territory hosting your educational institution.

2. Who is Exempt?

Certain students are exempt from this requirement, including minor children in primary or secondary school (kindergarten to grade 12), those pursuing masters, PhD, or post-graduate programs, and students applying to extend their study permits.

3. Application Timing Matters

Apply for your study permit before coming to Canada in most cases.

Some exceptions allow for application within Canada or upon arrival at the port of entry.

4. Document Checklist: Be Prepared

Essential documents include a letter of acceptance from your designated learning institution (DLI).

New: As of January 22, 2024, include the attestation letter from the province or territory where you plan to study.

Submit as many required documents as possible to avoid delays in processing.

5. Finalizing Your Application

A complete application, including all necessary documents, is crucial for a smooth process.

Delays may occur if documents are not submitted promptly.

6. Consider COVID-19 Impacts

Provide a letter of explanation for any missing documents due to COVID-19, ensuring transparency in your application.


As these changes aim to enhance the study permit process, staying informed and following the outlined steps will contribute to a successful application. The attestation letter requirement fosters a stronger connection between students and their respective provinces or territories, reinforcing support for international education in Canada.